Thursday 8 March 2012


Who would be the audience for your media product?

When creating my magazine, my first initial idea was who will buy it? What group of people are going to be interested in what I put on my front cover?
With the help of my iTunes, I was able to pick out some bands from the same genre and put them together to finally get some suitable bands for my front cover. The most common genre in my iTunes was 'Indie Alternative'.

If you google an indie kid, you get the definition:
Indie Kids are the type of people who listen to non-recogniseable bands, with the occasional mainstream one. Indie boys tend to wear rolled up jeans with vintage jumpers, and style wavy hair with of course a trademark fringe. Indie girls on the other hand usually have natural like hair, with either a bold fringe or no fringe, wear skirts and shorts a lot, with big over-sized tees, vests and jumpers, usually tucked in, with socks and vans, brogues, creepers etc

The type of magazine I'd associate with indie kids would be mainly NME. NME includes different bands which aren't as well known as other bands. 

Typical indie kids:

Obviously, I want my media product to be popular, so I want the age range to be between 15-25. So that if you're a teenager, on a bus, or train, or whatever type of public transport you may be on, and you see a 18 year old boy reading 'Iconic' magazine, you think 'yeah I want to read that issue too!' Whereas, if you see an old 50 year old woman reading it, you tend to pretend you haven't heard of the name....Which isn't the outcome I'm looking for.

Typical places for an Indie Kid to shop would be:

TV shows such as skins can be associated with Indie Kids. Their wild lifestyle and unusual behaviour can be seen as rebellious. Their clothing is different and their hair is usually a different colour or style. Indie Kids like to think the parties they go to can be compared to Skins..but let's face it, Skins is a TV show, keep dreaming kids. 

Musical tastes an Indie Kid would listen to could vary from a band you have no idea about, a band who's just coming onto to scene, or a well-known band.
You've got the likes of The Klaxons, Florence + The Machine, The Libertines, Two Door Cinema Club, Arctic Monkeys etc.. on the list of Indie Kid's favourite bands.
Indie Kids also like to listen to old bands, such as Nirvana or Oasis, bands that are still iconic but not about any more. 

The way I want my magazine to be, is basically with including all the stuff Indie Kids will be interested in. With having the likes of Foo Fighters, summer festivals and Arctic Monkeys on my front page, I'm hoping this fits in with the criteria of what they want.

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