Friday 20 January 2012

Peer Assesment

In lesson we had a peer assessment on other students work and our own. Obviously telling someone else that their work could do with improvements was much easier than giving yourself constructive criticism an receiving it!

The criticism I received about my front cover was both good and bad. My title name and font was said to be good and imaginative, whereas I had two different views on my colour co-ordination. One view was that the choice of colours was good and another was that the two didn't go together.
The text below 'summer festivals' had the same feedback, that it needed to be easier to read.

I know myself I have a lot to work on with my front cover and am yet to fully complete it, and the feedback and positive/negative criticism has helped me to improve.

You can see from the scanned in picture above, that the comments varied. Obviously I know where I need to improve and have taken this into consideration. 

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