Friday 20 January 2012

Front Page Construction

Throughout my process of editing, cutting, putting together etc.. I took some screen grabs of potential front covers and what photos I cut out.
Even though my ideas aren't final and I will probably/most likely change them, I do have some first ideas. 

The couple of screen grabs below are some first ideas I had for my front cover. This was only of one person.
My main concern for my first ideas was that it would of looked more like a fashion magazine than a music magazine, and my pictures were too hard to cut out, so the finishing effect wasn't as good as it could of been.
The main tools I used to cut out these photos were the magic wand tool, and then the magnetic lasso for the extra bits that the
magic wand tool didn't get. 

My second pictures for my front cover were a lot better than my first. This time I had two models, both wearning similar coloured clothing and made them do a pose which represented a music magazine more than a fashion magazine. I found that with two people on your front cover that it worked better as they worked well together as they got ideas from eachother's poses. Again here I used the magic wand tool to cut them out.

 After getting the picture on a plain background, I started to look at what colour the backdrop could be, I'm still not too sure on the one I have at the moment though.
The tools I used to get this background was the paint bucket tool. To get the colour I got a sample from the model on the right's clothing. Then made it a little darker.

The picture for the front cover in my opinion was too light and just looked like a normal picture. To give the photo a bolder look, I turned down the brightness and turned up the contrast a little.

The original colour I wanted for my main title didn't work well. The colour scheme I would of used would mean that a lot of my sub-titles wouldn't of been readable and therefore making my magazine pretty pointless. I changed the colour to a similar colour as the model on the lefts nail varnish is. I took this colour and made the colour darker. I added an idea for the main title of my front cover, by using a website:, I found a decent font to represent my title.

So, the dark lilac colour didn't go too well. I found a nice light blue and dark pink to work with. Again, I will probably change this colour but for now it seems to be working well. My fear again is that my magazine is going to look more like a fashion than a music one, but hopefully with the finishing touches it will look more like a music magazine.

 I went back to the original colour scheme of a burgundy title. I thought this resembled a music magazine more than a fashion magazine. Using burgundy, black, light blue and white, I was able to make a colour scheme which actually worked, for once.

Still keeping to the scheme of the burgundy black white etc.. My finishing product was produced! To make some cover lines more noticeable, I outlined some of the titles in the opposing colour to it, e.g Black writing - white outline, white writing - black outline. This made my magazine stand out more and eye-catching.

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